Algae fuel


Algae fuel

This fuel is one of the achievements of scientists that have been worked on a lot to reduce the use of fossil fuels that are harmful to the environment and reduce carbon emissions and maintain the climate from the changes that harm it.

The new fuel depends on blue-green algae, which is an essential element for its production. It is also environmentally friendly and can be grown even in the desert. It reduces carbon dioxide and does not need fresh water to produce and multiply more than twice during one day.

Aspects of benefiting from those algae

Biofuel production

These algae contain 50% of their mass in a type of oil and contain neutral fats, polar fats and wax esters, so scientists have made a series of formulations to use as an alternative to fossil fuels since the exhausts from them are few and do not harm the environment.

Clean contaminated water

It is used in cleaning chemical wastewater, cleaning it and reusing it again in agriculture


Algae are used to stop hair loss and to maintain the softness and freshness of the skin and are used in the production of shampoo, lotions and skin care creams.

Carbon dioxide absorption

Algae absorb large quantities of carbon dioxide gas through photosynthesis and also produce biomass used to produce methanol fuel used in cars now, which is an environmentally friendly fuel.

Real food

Algae contain protein, minerals and vitamins and are used as food supplements as well as animal feed and food for fish. It has been scientifically proven that the protein in algae exceeds the protein found in Meat, eggs, and legumes are also much higher than those found in meat and legumes.

Organic fertilizers

The plant needs potassium, oxygen, and phosphorous, all of which are present in algae. Therefore, when used in agriculture, the yield in agricultural crops was very high compared to regular fertilizers.

Chemical industries

Algae is involved in the production of antioxidants and natural pigments and in the production of vitamins, fatty acids and nutritional supplements.

Algae are the clean future that we look to exploit and make the best possible use of it for a better life.


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