Number of world languages


Number of world languages

Language is the means of communication between humans and each other, and it is one of the achievements that a person has reached, without which he would not be able to understand and communicate with each other and between other countries and countries.

There are approximately 5,000 to 7,000 languages ​​around the world, where multiple languages ​​differ according to the population from one country to another and from one population to another, whether in the same country or in another country.

Together, we review the global languages ​​of the population:

Mandarin language

The Chinese language is one of the first languages ​​globally, as it is used by 80% of the population in it, which is the official language of it and for Taiwan. It is known that the population of China ranges between more than one billion people.

English language

It is the second language globally in terms of use, as it is used by most of the world's population, such as South Africa, Canada, the United States of America, most of Europe and other countries around the world.

Spanish language

It is considered the third language globally, as 24 countries use it, 20 of which consider it an official language such as Latin America and Spain except Brazil.


The most difficult languages ​​of the world

There are many languages ​​that are difficult to learn easily because of the presence of grammar in it and the different ways of speaking and the presence of some difficult words in it, among them we mention:

Japanese language

In Japanese language, there are many symbols and words that are pronounced in many different ways and are difficult to learn because of these symbols.

Sanskrit language

This language is classified as one of the difficult languages ​​as it contains many grammar rules in its pronunciation methods.

Hungarian language

It is one of the difficult languages, as it contains various sentences and also contains many grammar rules.


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