Color of your Eyes

Your personality from the color of your eyes

The colors of the eyes differ from one person to another, as the body produces a substance called melanin, which is from the pigments of skin and hair, and each part of melanin contains a brown color, so if these particles come together in a large way, the color of the eye becomes dark brown, but if I say it becomes light brown, and if I say very, the eye color becomes blue.

The colors of the eye are divided into two parts, the colored eyes, which are brown, light brown and green eyes, and the second section, the non-colored eyes, which are blue eyes.

Now we will show the characteristics and characters of people based on the colors of their eyes:

Light brown eyes

The people with these eyes are characterized as they tend to challenge and make efforts to reach the highest positions as they are friendly and romantic and attract people towards them and are characterized by vigor and vitality.

Black eyes

People with these eyes are characterized as being able to take responsibility and they are active and impatient and do not trust people and do not fall in love easily and master the work with a high ability.

The blue eyes

The owners of these eyes are characterized by romance and attractiveness and they are friendly people who are distinguished by kindness and strong observation and tend to build a happy family.

Brown eyes

The owners of these eyes are distinguished by their strength, creativity and simplicity, and they are trustworthy, social and have new friendships always enjoy wisdom and sense of humor and have beautiful feelings towards the rest of the people but they are discreet and do not reveal their feelings always and it is the color most prevalent among people.

Gray eyes

The owners of these eyes are distinguished by leadership and the ability to analyze difficult issues and are characterized by intelligence and the ability to work in high pressure and are characterized by romance and calm and keeping the secrets of others.

Green eyes

The owners of those eyes are distinguished by their high morals and Kindly in dealing, they are compassionate, jealous and social, and they love helping people greatly. 


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