Deadly flowers

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Deadly flowers

Despite our love for flowers and decorating with our gardens and homes, there are flowers that are very dangerous to human and animal health together. We review some of them together.

Flower - shukran - poisonous

That flower was known since the days of the ancient Greeks that it is very dangerous as it was used to execute politicians and criminals. Socrates died from that flower as its fruits resemble anise seeds and its leaves resemble the parsley plant and is easy to mix with some.

The deadly kamas flower

It is considered one of the dangerous lily flowers, and it affects people with extreme fatigue if they eat them, but do not kill them, but it is dangerous for the animals that eat them in the spring and the animals die within hours after eating that flower.

Foxglove flower

These flowers spread in the past in Europe and were used for decoration, but after that they became harmful plants that harm human health and the heart, muscle and cause a severe headache and lead to death.

White Viper Root Flower

This flower grows in North America and is considered one of the causes of the death of the American President Lincoln. This flower appears peaceful, but it has a great impact on human and animal health, as the cows that feed on it become ill, as well as the human being. If a person drank the milk of those cows, he suffers from severe aches and diseases.

Delphi flower

That flower is deadly in every way. If you decide to cut and burn it, the smoke from it is poisonous, and if you eat honey that produces from its flowers, it is also poisonous.

Poisonous white berry blossoms

These flowers grow on the eastern coast of the United States, and the flowers turn into the berries that have more poison in it and resemble the shape of the eyes.

Flower angels trumpets

This flower is present in South America and the indigenous people mix it with tea to become a kind of drug and hallucinations, but if the quantity exceeds the allowed limit, it becomes fatal.

Wolves Gorge

That plant grows in the northern hemisphere and is capable of killing humans and animals in a short time.

The deadly belladonna flower

That flower kills humans and animals together, and it is one of the most dangerous flowers, as it turns into cranberry that children eat by the time of spring by mistake, which leads to their killing after a short time.

Opium poppy flowers

These flowers are used in the manufacture of heroin, as they contain the narcotic morphine that enters into this toxic cultivation and leads to the killing of innocents every day. That flower is the most dangerous flower in the world.


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