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Dejavu. what does it mean?

Dejavu, originally a French word meaning it has been seen before and it is moments that people pass through, in which he feels that he has experienced this situation before with the same details and the people with him in the same situation and that this situation happened for him before.

Although it is short moments that do not exceed seconds but it confuses a person and leaves a great impact on himself that this situation has already happened with him before and there are several interpretations of this matter, including that it is a simple imagination that affects a person with old memories similar to that position.

Including that the fetus in the womb of his mother sees all his life in front of him and when the situation occurs, he feels that he is behind him previously.

Including that souls reincarnate and replace new bodies, so people feel the same old feelings and events that happen in the past

Scientific explanation Dejavu :

Scientists explain this phenomenon when information is transferred through the arteries to the right and left brain fissures, because in some cases the left fissure first arrives before the right fissure and when it reaches the right fissure, the person feels that it has occurred before him, which is a natural reason because it reached the left fissure first.

Scientists have conducted experiments on that matter and give the results that when taking specific drugs this phenomenon occurs especially if it contains a substance that raises the secretion of the hormone dopamine in the two parts of the brain which is the hormone responsible for the sense of time.

Kinds of Dejavu

We can classify Dejavu into three types:

deja vecu

It means what was seen previously, and it is the most prevalent between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five , where at that age a person is able to distinguish the newest, if only simple, that affects his daily life

deja senti

It means that this feeling was previously felt, and it differs from the first, as it is only a feeling or a previous idea that you mentioned in that situation or remembered it in a previous situation that happened to it.

deja visite

It means that a person has visited this place before and that he knows his way well in that place without any guidance and that phenomenon is the rarest occurrence of people.

If that happened to you before, write to me in the comments, because it happened to me a lot and I thought a lot and looked into the matter until I got to that explanation.


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