Winter Depression - SAD


Winter Depression - SAD

Known as (seasonal affective disorder) and it is linked to the change of seasons and is very clear in late autumn and entering the winter season and its symptoms end with the entry of spring and often it is present in the summer.

The causes of winter depression are not known yet, but scientists suggest that the body will not be exposed to sunlight during that period. It affects the functions of the human brain as follows:

Increased production of melatonin, the neurotransmitter responsible for feeling sleepy, and scientists have found that levels are high in patients with that depression.

Decreased production of serotonin, as the lack of exposure to sunlight reduces the happiness hormone responsible for appetite, mood and sleepiness in individuals, which increases feelings of depression.

The human biological clock is disrupted; the lack of exposure to sunlight disrupts various body functions such as waking up from sleep, feeling sleepy, not performing the body functions efficiently, and the appearance of symptoms of seasonal depression.

Symptoms of winter depression

Weight gain, overeating, oversleeping, low body energy, withdrawal from various social shares, and cravings for foods containing carbohydrates.

Women are most exposed to winter depression, then men, between the age of 18 to 30 years, and less in the elderly, and more in the northern regions and south of the equator, where exposure to light is little and the daytime is long.

Treating winter depression

Doctors advise taking daily walks, practicing morning exercises, attending healthy food, participating in social activities, and being exposed to the light box, as its lighting regulates the body's biological clock, its space is stronger than regular light, for a period of 30 minutes in the morning, and if the improvement is not achieved, the specialist doctor must be consulted.


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